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Continuously Assess Your Goals

Continually assess your goals

This is the fifth part of a five-part series on setting effective goals.
Part One: How to set effective goals
Part Two: How to define your values for effective goal-setting
Part Three: Actually setting your goals
Part Four: Turn your goals into a plan

Continuously assess your goals

This means exactly what it says, that is maintaining a continuing awareness of progress towards meeting your goals AND taking timely action to prevent or minimise any delays, interruptions or deviations in that progress. To do this you need a continuous supply of information, and a set of templates or limits to establish when that information requires remedial action on your part. If you are driving a car, you have (or should have) an accurate speedometer that will indicate when your speed exceeds the posted speed limit. A more or less accurate fuel gauge is helpful too, as are oil pressure and temperature indicators and engine temperature indicators. What instruments are available to help you meet your goals?

Key Performance Indicators

This sounds like management jargon, because it has become management jargon, but in spite of that, key performance indicators (KPI) are really valuable (if not essential) aids to keeping your progress on track. They are measurable indications of progress (or impediments to progress) in meeting your goals. KPI could include:

  • Equipment failures
  • Regulatory infractions
  • Operational errors
  • Schedule slippage
  • Communications failures/errors

Numerical limits/targets should be established for each KPI and you should have documented action plans in place to respond to deviations from those targets. KPI data should be reviewed on a regular basis (whether monthly, weekly or daily) and you should document your response to any deviations.

Check regularly

This naturally arises from the establishment of the operating parameters (KPI) above. Regular review provides rapid and clear indications of progress (or lack of it) and will prompt necessary remedial action or (equally necessary) celebration. Once again, be sure to document actions/responses and their effectiveness.

Keep clear and comprehensive records

You will have noticed from the preceding paragraphs that documentation is a consistent theme here. That’s because it’s essential. Human memory can be selective, mercurial and misleading. Your records may be imperfect in many ways, but they’ll still be a lot more use than your memory. Keep a written and graphic record of your progress. This should include the bad bits as well as the good ones. There is a plethora of management software that will produce very impressive graphics of all kinds and you are perfectly welcome to use any that take your fancy. But do remember that nothing will be more valuable than your own candid and unvarnished records.

Adversity’s Advantages

Learn from mistakes and other setbacks. When something goes wrong, spend time and effort analyzing the event and identifying what changes you might make (a) in your response to it and (b) in reducing the probability of a repeat event. This is the time when feedback, whether from colleagues, mentors or external specialists can be of vital importance. 

Stay flexible and be comfortable adjusting things to respond to external changes, whether major or minor. Times change and we change with them, so always be prepared to modify your objectives to reflect changes in your circumstances or your environment.

Celebrate Achievements

Acknowledge and celebrate achievements, large or small. Just remember to include all those who contributed to those achievements. This sort of positive reinforcement can boost motivation for all those involved. And remember it’s not just the achievement of a specific goal that is the reason for celebration but the personal growth in skills and judgement of all involved.

  • Learn from Setbacks:
    • Identify any challenges or obstacles you’ve encountered. View setbacks as opportunities to learn and adjust your approach. Understand what went wrong, and brainstorm solutions to overcome these challenges.
  • Stay Flexible:
    • Be open to adjusting your goals as circumstances change.  If you find that your goals are unrealistic or circumstances have changed, don’t hesitate to adjust them. Modify objectives to align with your current situation.
  • Seek Feedback:
    • Gather feedback from peers, mentors, or those involved in your goals. External perspectives can provide valuable insights.
  • Regularly Review and Revise:
    • Periodically review your goals and assess your progress. Make adjustments and revisions as needed based on your evolving circumstances and priorities.
    • Your priorities and circumstances may change over time. Regularly reassess whether your goals still align with your overall objectives.

Remember, you need to continually assess your goals on an ongoing basis. Regularly review and adjust your approach to align with your aspirations and current circumstances.

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